Friday, January 23, 2009

Is it the time to buy, sell...or blog?

Well, with my first post I can definitely tell you the answer is yes!...or no...or maybe...well it depends. How's the house? Where are rates right now? How much do you owe? What's going on with the latest government bailout and how's that affecting the market? Have we hit the bottom yet?

I know that there has been A LOT of news out there in the last couple of years that may be confusing and a bit scary, so I hope to help make sense of it all. Welcome to Buy, Sell or Blog? where in the weeks, months and many posts to come I will be discussing the answers to that question, as well as a broad range of other topics in the world of real estate here in sunny San Diego and across the U.S.

"Who the heck are you, and what do you know anyway" you might ask? Well, thanks for asking! My name is Michael, I'm the Barrow half of Neely, Barrow & Associates, a local real estate team here in San Diego. My business partner Richard (who may be guest blogging from time to time) and I have a combined 15 years of experience successfully representing both buyers and sellers alike in the greater San Diego area. I started off in the mortgage business, but after a couple of years of sheer boredom I followed in the footsteps of my father and mother and went into real estate, which I love! So I guess that makes me a son of a preacher man... son of a ... son of a Realtor, or rather, Realtors.

Anyway, enough about me! Check back soon for my next post on what's going on in the world of real estate. And, please, feel free to comment, email me and ask questions, etc. See you soon!


  1. Hi Michael! Glad to see you got this up and working.
    I will stay tuned...

  2. WOW, Son, I'm impressed!! I really still don't know what a BLOG is, but at least I was able to get to it and read it. I'm soooo proud of you!!!
    And me, too, for being the mother of the Son of . . .the Realtors. Love you - don't forget! And continued fun and success.

  3. Hey Michael... long time now see. Cool you have your blog up and going. I have one as well.. a music blog! (Surprise, surprise.) Check it out sometime.

  4. I've got you on my radar... We're looking for a purchase sometime later this year and considering San Diego. If so, you're our man! Will be watching your blog!

  5. Thanks everybody for all the great comments! I look forward to continuing the conversation in many posts to come. And thanks Charisse! As soon as you're ready let me know and we'll start shopping...
